Who is this arrogant guy?
I am a third-generation Realtor in Indianapolis. I own a two-person boutique firm.
Not a team. Not a franchise. My name and reputation are on the sign, along with a picture of a horse. More on that later.
And, despite the tone of some of my articles, people actually think I’m a nice Midwestern guy.
Most of the coaching and help available to real estate agents comes in the form of how to convince people to use you. Scripts, motivation, psychology, and more.
These things are certainly important. But what has been missing are sites devoted almost exclusively to concrete things that will help your client and your marketing (which helps your client).
Not words. Not feelings. But specific things to do.
Since all of my marketing and client relationship decisions are mine and not from a company administration, I’ve had to be very careful in making sure they are a good fit for each of my buyers and sellers.
I’ve sometimes failed. Badly. Not long ago, a friend and his wife lost out on a home they wanted to buy because I was inattentive while on a long weekend vacation. Understandably, they are using another agent now.
But most of my transactions (NOT “deals”) have gone very well and have accomplished what my clients wanted.
So, take what you will from my suggestions. Sign up for new posts. And feel free to let me know what topics you would like to see covered.